As of August 1, 2023, the Worm ʻOhana is no longer operating as a project under the fiscal sponsorship of Oahu Resource Conservation & Development Council.

Learn vermicomposting using composting worms.


Growing Oʻahu’s vermicomposting community one household at a time

Vermicomposting is gaining in popularity across Oʻahu as concerned citizens of all ages discover the fascination of cultivating a colony of composting worms. Worms turn garbage into gold by eating household food waste and producing vermicast, a superior soil amendment ideal for all kinds of gardens, potted plants, landscaping and lawn.

From Lockdown to Learning: The Official Worm Ohana Origin Story

Click on the spinning worms!

First double-bin harvest! Kamehameha School 4th graders successfully produced 4.5 lbs of worms!

Why become a member of the Worm Ohana?

What’s special about this particular vermicomposting program is that we all agree to report our data, as you see displayed on the dashboard below.

Numbers demonstrate the Power of the Collective and measure our impact. You may be feeding your worms only four pounds of food waste a week, but if 1,000 members of the Oʻahu Community Worm Ohana are doing the same – well, that’s two tons of waste diverted each week, 104 tons per year! Vermicomposting reduces costs, and diminishes the pollution and carbon footprint of transportation and central processing.  Policy-makers, funders, and influencers in the position to enact change pay attention when we can back up our activity with verifiable data.  We make a small difference as individuals, but together, we pack a powerful punch for environmental restoration!

Data from the Oʻahu Community Worm Ohana

Total Food Feed To Worm lbs oz

Total Food Fed to Worms (lbs)

Total numbers as of current date. Project started September 26, 2020

Total Worms Harvested lbs oz

Total Worms Harvested (lbs)

Total Vermicast Harvested gal qts

Total Vermicast Harvested (gal)

Community Spread

Community Spread

Numbers of households with whom the Worm Ohana shared worms

Join Our Growing Worm Ohana!

We make it easy, enjoyable, and convenient. Pick one of three ways to get started.

1. I want the Learn To Worm Kit with instructional video

2. I’m setting up a worm bin on my own, and I want to join the Oahu Community Worm Ohana as soon as my worms are settled in and feeding.

No charge

To obtain worms, please contact Mindy.

  • Includes access to website to report data

3. I am currently a successful worm bin manager and want to participate as a member of the Oahu Community Worm Ohana!

No charge

I understand I may need to purchase a scale on my own.

  • Includes access to website to report data

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