Harvest Party, 1/22

Saturday, January 22, 2022
Enchanted Lake Elementary Worm Hale
Kailua, Island of Oahu

Aloha Worm Ohana –

All of you are perfectly capable of successfully harvesting your worm bins – there are videos in our video library for reference if you want a review.  Many of you have already harvested and gleefully reported a great abundance of happy worms and gallons of deep, dark vermicast!  

What fun to see what riches can be produced with a little knowledge, cellulose bits, water, lovely food scraps formerly known as “waste,” and a mere handful of composting worms.

Well, I can tell you from experience that it’s even more fun to harvest with other worm enthusiasts! We are planning our first ever Worm Ohana HARVEST PARTY on Saturday, January 22, 9-11am, at Enchanted Lake Elementary. If your bin is due for harvesting – between 6 months and one year of operation – and you would like to harvest with the best of company and camaraderie, sign up today – enrollment is limited! And remember, if you are going to join us for the harvest, stop feeding your worms NOW. Give the wormies time to consume most of the food before the harvest.

Open to up to 15 participants.  Fee $40.  

All you do is show up with your mature worm bin and a few empty 5-gallon buckets.

  • We will provide assistance to lug your heavy bin out of your car.  
  • We will have nice big tables all set up.  
  • We will provide experienced volunteers to help sort worms and vermicast.
  • We will provide plentiful instruction, feedback, support, and encouragement.
  • We will provide fluffy bedding to get your worm ball safely home.
  • We will take photos and videotape the festivities.
  • We will help to get everything back into your car, and off you go!
  • We will clean up, break down, and put everything away.

Interested friends, family members or Worm Ohana members not yet ready to harvest are welcome. Please sign up below to volunteer to harvest.

Want to know how harvesting is done? Watch the video below!

Harvest from the original pilot project of the Worm Ohana

Volunteer Form

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