Worms lead the way!

Help Build a Resilient Hawai‘i!

CTAHR, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human RESILIENCE, founded in 1907, established two vermicomposting projects at both the Magoon Research Facility in Manoa and the Urban Garden Center in Pearl City.

In vulnerable, isolated Hawaii, the core of resilience is creating good soil to grow food. The foundation of soil building is composting in its various forms, utilizing food waste to promote both productive farms and thriving home gardens.

Everyone can learn and participate.  Both facilities offer monthly open-to-the-public Learn to Worm Workshops, annual Worm Ohana Harvest Parties, educational tours and presentations, school field trips and programs.

Please donate to either or both of our Wormery operations – vital, relevant advocates for local self-reliance.  Our combined goal is to reduce food waste, create value, and grow community.  Your donation is fully tax-deductible.

Magoon Wormery

Funded through Hui Ko’e ‘Aina
  • Ag research emphasis
  • UH student projects
  • Professional staff
  • Large scale operation of composting/vermicomposting
  • Worm and vermicast sales

Urban Garden Center (UGC) Wormery

Funded through UH Master Gardeners
  • Home-scale vermicomposting facility
  • Use of vermicast in home gardens emphasis
  • Staffed by UH Master Gardeners
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Community outreach