Earth Day Compost Sale, 4/23

Aloha Compost Connoisseur –

It’s been more than a year since the Windward Zero Waste School Hui has been privileged to provide top-quality compost to gardeners and growers in our community.  We lost an entire year of production due to COVID school closures, and we are just now seeing the maturation of the compost piles we started when school partially opened again a year ago.  

At long last, we are absolutely overjoyed to announce our Earth Day compost sale!

Saturday, April 23, 2022
9:00 am – 12 noon

Enter the double gate at the far left of the property as you face the school.

Our prices are now appropriately aligned with the local premium market.

• Compost: $15/cubic foot (one five-gallon bucketful, compressed)
• Vermicast (worm castings): $20/five-pound container.  

Please bring your own containers for compost – buckets, boxes, bags, etc. Vermicast is pre-packaged in re-purposed ice cream tubs.  

Limit: 10 cubic feet per customer. First-come, first served.  

All proceeds benefit our Windward Zero Waste Schools.

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