Learn To Worm Workshop, 3/22/25
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Magoon Wormery, Manoa
$95 Materials Fee
There was never a better time to adopt a colony of composting worms and Learn to Worm at home. You, too, can discover how to Reduce Waste, Create Value, and Grow Community like a pro. You’ll learn a lot and have fun, too!
Participants will receive all the components of the Learn to Worm Kit – including a starter colony of worms – to assemble step-by-step under the supervision of veteran vermicomposter Mindy Jaffe. Cultivating a colony of composting worms reduces food waste, creates an extraordinary soil amendment for your garden and potted plants, and gives you agency to enact positive change. We set you up for success!
Our lively, hands-on workshops fill up fast, so sign up today!
See you there!