In The Loop


We now have two beautiful physical headquarters for worm learning and community – Magoon Wormery in Manoa and the UGC Wormery at the Urban Garden Center in Pearl City.  Regularly-scheduled Worm Workshops, Harvest Parties, school visits, research and educational tours are up and running at both sites, drawing folks from all over Oahu. What’s missing…

In The Loop


We now have two beautiful physical headquarters for worm learning and community – Magoon Wormery in Manoa and the UGC Wormery at the Urban Garden Center in Pearl City.  Regularly-scheduled Worm Workshops, Harvest Parties, school visits, research and educational tours are up and running at both sites, drawing folks from all over Oahu. What’s missing…

The Origin Story

Patrick called on a dreary, rainy Sunday afternoon. “It’s pouring rain.  We are totally bored and looking for something to do.  We thought it might be cool to start a worm bin!  Can we get some worms from you today?”

Yes, of course – wiggly wormies will cure boredom for sure! Patrick and Mary headed down from Aiea to my place in McCully, stopping at WalMart on the way to pick up a plastic storage tote to make a bin.  They purchased their 4-ounce starter colony from the world-renown Waiola Street Worm Collective compound.  My personal worms are always available for unanticipated worm orders when it makes no sense to make a round trip over the Pali to pull worms from our usual source, bins at Windward Zero Waste Schools.*

Mary joined the Worm Ohana that very day, followed the videos, and reported regularly.  I see all Worm Ohana food data submissions, often accompanied by terrific questions, comments, ideas, and photos.  I’ll answer questions and respond to comments, but mostly I’m on the lookout for not-quite-right feeding patterns, alarming bug invasions, or weird food choices – common issues with new vermicomposters.

Mary was doing just great with her worms, so I stopped replying.  After several months, this note shows up with Mary’s report:

Hi Mindy,
I don’t get your emails anymore.  But want to stay connected.   My wormies are doing fine healthy and growing.  I feed them 5-7 lbs a week of yummy veggies and fruits with lots of water.  Please keep me in the loop.
Thank you,
Mary Young

No, Mary, THANK YOU! Why didn’t I think of that?  I have been coveting all this worm-derful content for years when I could be SHARING it with the entire Worm Ohana membership, keeping you all connected with the abundance of pertinent information and interesting discussion that comes my way through our collective vermicomposting experience.

The Resolution

We heard Mary’s request loud and clear and have run with it!

Go to the Worm Ohana homepage and click on the spinning worms to stay IN THE LOOP! There will be a new item posted every Monday.  Check in weekly to join our on-going community conversation and please keep those questions, comments, and ideas coming!  

* Worm sales average $18,000 a year, with all proceeds going to the schools